Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Memory Improvement Study - The Plan

Here's my plan for the Noise Circuit Brain Blog - in general, I'd like to keep it informative and simple:

  1. Take a test documenting my current memory condition
  2. Document my research and findings
  3. Document my ideas (and logic) of what vitamin combinations I'll take
  4. Provide details regarding the vitamins, dosages and brands I'll be taking
  5. Provide details regarding my diet
  6. Provide details regarding my physical activities (workouts)
  7. Provide weekly (or even more frequent) reports on my status
  8. Take the memory test monthly

...And hopefully, during this experiment, I will continue to learn and build a community of people that are interested in studying and looking for dietary solutions for memory deficiencies, ADHD, Alzheimer's Disease and possibly other diseases like Autism.

My Core Values:

  • Be SCIENTIFIC as possible
  • Be THOROUGH as possible
  • Be OPEN MINDED to ideas, suggestions, approach

Given the above outline, if anyone has suggestions or comments on how the study could be improved, please let me know. Otherwise, I plan to proceed.

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